by Suzy Carroll | Feb 1, 2022
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa [Creating connections with like-minded midlife women. A blog series introduction and FREE Zoom gathering opportunity – registration...
by Suzy Carroll | Nov 23, 2021
This blog explores “talking someone off the ledge” and why the traditional way women help can deter someone’s healing process. As an example, I’m sharing a short story about how friends chose not to help me and what they did instead....
by Suzy Carroll | Sep 22, 2021
Today, September 22, 2021, marks the beginning of my 7th post-sabbatical return. It’s an auspicious day for me (and I hope for you too). On the first day of fall 2015, I embarked on “My Year of No” Sabbatical. My intention was to unhook from my...
by Suzy Carroll | Jul 21, 2021
Twenty years ago, I was knee-deep in navigating post-divorce life – one of the most terrifying, uncomfortable, lonely, and full of uncertainty times in my life. I forgot to eat, my ribs were showing, I had dizzy spells, and every ounce of “sanity”...
by Suzy Carroll | Jan 29, 2021
You’ve likely heard of the glass ceiling metaphor, which commonly refers to the external barriers that unfairly block women from advancing their careers. Last week we witnessed the shattering of the proverbial glass ceiling with the first female, first black and first...