You’ve Just Got to Get Out in Front of It (or Do You?)

You’ve Just Got to Get Out in Front of It (or Do You?)

Someone I know well has been struggling with a lingering childhood wound. They were telling me that they had shared their struggle with a friend, and their response had been, “You’ve just got to get out in front of it.” Now I know this friend meant well, but I am of...

The Holy Grail of Self Care [5-minute Read]

I was recently asked this question “how much self-care is needed each day?” Which begs the question, “what is self-care?” Before I share what the Holy Grail of Self-Care is, consider this – self-care/self-improvement is a $4.2 trillion dollar industry globally....

Embody These Principles for Success! [5-minute read]

A few days ago, I woke up ‘in the mood’ to purge paperwork. As I dug through old files I came across a course I created many years ago. I took a break and began to flip through the 55-pages that represented months of research and writing. My first thought was, “wow,...

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