Sacred Selfishness [A Daily Practice of Self Love]

Sacred Selfishness [A Daily Practice of Self Love]

“We all have something within us that the world needs.” -Pooh Be scrumptiously honest and answer this… What’s your first thought or emotion when you read: “we all have something within us that the world needs?” I imagine it’s something such as, “we sure do!” or “so...
What’s Getting in Your Way? This may surprise you.

What’s Getting in Your Way? This may surprise you.

Have you heard of scarcity mindset?  Scarcity mindset is when you believe there is only so much to go around. A person with a scarcity mindset feels ‘lack’ when there is actually enough or thinks that if someone else has a lot (such as money or success),...
What Everybody Needs to Know BEFORE Calling in 2022

What Everybody Needs to Know BEFORE Calling in 2022

Calling in 2022, in Rhythm with the Earth (not the calendar). Early in 2020, I wrote a blog about VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), which included four ideas for navigating uncertain times. Two years later, we are still in the thick of...
Busyness Keeps a Women in Her Place (Egads!)

Busyness Keeps a Women in Her Place (Egads!)

This blog explores “what gets in your way,” midlife messiness, getting naked with what’s real, and a “truth bomb” about women and busyness. Plus, I would love your help with ideas for something new coming in 2022! I’m creating something new and...

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