by Suzy Carroll | Dec 10, 2022
“We all have something within us that the world needs.” -Pooh Be scrumptiously honest and answer this… What’s your first thought or emotion when you read: “we all have something within us that the world needs?” I imagine it’s something such as, “we sure do!” or “so...
by Suzy Carroll | Jul 12, 2022
Have you heard of scarcity mindset? Scarcity mindset is when you believe there is only so much to go around. A person with a scarcity mindset feels ‘lack’ when there is actually enough or thinks that if someone else has a lot (such as money or success),...
by Suzy Carroll | Feb 8, 2022
When it comes to aging gracefully breaking up with Busy is your “fountain of youth.” Here’s why – stress triggers a hormone called cortisol. High levels of cortisol for long periods result in the loss of synaptic neurons, shrinking the part of...
by Suzy Carroll | Dec 28, 2021
Calling in 2022, in Rhythm with the Earth (not the calendar). Early in 2020, I wrote a blog about VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), which included four ideas for navigating uncertain times. Two years later, we are still in the thick of...
by Suzy Carroll | Dec 15, 2021
This blog explores “what gets in your way,” midlife messiness, getting naked with what’s real, and a “truth bomb” about women and busyness. Plus, I would love your help with ideas for something new coming in 2022! I’m creating something new and...