by Suzy Carroll | Dec 10, 2022
“We all have something within us that the world needs.” -Pooh Be scrumptiously honest and answer this… What’s your first thought or emotion when you read: “we all have something within us that the world needs?” I imagine it’s something such as, “we sure do!” or “so...
by Suzy Carroll | Sep 14, 2022
Many years ago, while touring a home full of valuable antiques and paintings, the owner turned to me and said, “We are the caretakers while we’re here on earth.” Recently, during a conversation with someone facing the possibility that they may need...
by Suzy Carroll | May 26, 2022
It’s a cool spring Washington morning, and I’m sitting on our porch with my winter fuzzy boots, bundled up in my winter warm coat. Above my head, hummingbirds are buzzing, and in front of me, birds, squirrels, and baby chipmunks are foraging for their morning meal....
by Suzy Carroll | Mar 15, 2022
PART 4, OF the 4-PART SERIES raising awareness of hidden beliefs that get in the way of women fully flourishing. Please join me on March 29th, Noon – 12:45 PM PST, for a FREE Zoom Q&A/Group Discussion of Part 3 and 4. [Pre-registration is required] [CLICK...
by Suzy Carroll | Feb 1, 2022
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa [Creating connections with like-minded midlife women. A blog series introduction and FREE Zoom gathering opportunity – registration...