Midlife Love Out Loud :
Your One-Stop Love Shop
Junie Moon – the Love Coach | Junie Moon knows how hard it can be to find love later in life. She has walked in your shoes, and after extensive research, she now helps women find their man, by teaching easy, learnable tools that streamline the whole dating process. That’s why she is sharing the golden nuggets of dating and relationships in this new way… her podcast.
In this episode: Have you ever wondered what the secret is to find a quality partner and create a sustainable, fulfilling love life? It begins with your relationship with your Self and the choices you make. Whether looking for love or more joy – this podcast is for you!
The Dr. Zoe Show:
Redefining Superwoman
Dr. Zoe Shaw | Dr. Zoe Shaw is a licensed psychotherapist, relationship and life coach for Superwomen. She’s a mother of 5, writer, podcast host and health nut and is passionate about helping people create a healthy, thriving, productive life full of loving, healthy relationships including the one with yourself.
In this episode, Dr. Zoe and I discuss how to gain clarity when you are feeling self-doubt and not enough syndrome – the difference between healthy busy and unhealthy busy and share strategies for how to gain clarity.
On this episode you’ll learn:
- Strategies to gain clarity when you’re feeling self-doubt
- The difference between healthy busy and unhealthy busy
- The very real dangers of not slowing down.
- The first step to breaking the cycle of overwhelm.
Revealing the four stages of finding clarity in your life, Suzy explains how you can do and feel differently about the ‘shoulds’ in our lives, thus reducing the busy habit. Discover the difference between healthy busy (intentional and focused) and unhealthy busy (running on that hamster wheel and feeling exhausted and lacking intention and focus) and examining what you are tolerating.
In Her Voice
Kelly Covert | In Her Voice empowers visionary women to listen and live by their inner voice of wisdom so they can change the world. Weekly solo shows and interviews with women who are living out their big vision and living by their inner voice, inspire, teach and encourage us all to have the courage to believe in what our inner voice is asking us to do!
The antidote to overwhelm and why our current situation of living during an pandemic, can be used as an opportunity to reorient to a life with more east – advancing what matters most to you!
This podcast with Kelly also inspired a blog: Click here to read.
So often clarity seems like this elusive thing that we’re supposed to have, but never seem to really know how to find. Gaining clarity in your personal life and your business leads to more happiness, success, and feelings of purpose in your life, but there is a process to actually finding it. In this episode, we talk about the 4 stages of finding clarity, along with several exercises and tips for how to gain and maintain it, both for your business and your personal life.
The Goldenrule Revolution
Lucas Mack is the founder and CEO of 4th Avenue Media, executive director of Vulnerable Heroes, a nonprofit focused on helping men and their families heal from trauma, host of The Vulnerable Hero podcast as well as The Golden Rule Revolution podcast and and Healing Catalyst for people, especially men who carry concealed trauma.
A value packed interview! Lucas is a former TV News Reporter with a talent for conversation. We both quickly dropped in to vulnerable and raw sharing, while spinning strategies and ideas for heart-centered advancing of business and life.
Women Developing Brilliance
Kc Rossi helps female entrepreneurs create online courses to make a bigger impact and earn more money. She’s also a skilled interviewer so this 30-minute conversation is packed with morsels of valuable information.
- Traits That Can Get Women Into Trouble
- The BIG AHA From A Year-Long Sabbatical
- Questions To Bring You Back Into The Present Moment
- Core Wound Explained
- Case Study – How To Say No
- Defining a Brilliant Woman
Patricia Kathleen Talks
Patricia Kathleen is the founder of Wilde Agency (wilde.agency), host of 3 podcast series, short documentary film maker, author, and international speaker.
A discussion designed to further the global conversation in regards to the changing climate in entrepreneurial and founding roles.
The Power of Your Voice
Johnny Gyorke. Former high-end male model who overcame his challenges and fears who has thrived, not just survived when faced with speech difficulties, familial chaos and discontent. Click here to watch the interview on YouTube.
Step into your Worth
Robbie Samuels, MSW on the Schmooze Podcast. A weekly podcast that features interviews with talented professionals who have achieved success in their field or industry. I ask probing questions to get them to share untold stories about their leadership journey and how they built and sustained their professional network.
- The meaning of leadership
- Reducing Overwhelm
- The benefits of transitioning from being a people-pleaser, to a self-pleaser first
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Holly Signorelli, Wealth Strategist & CPA. Holly Signorelli is a CPA, Wealth Strategist, Business Consultant, and Author.
- Why women are so overwhelmed
- How men and women approach business differently
- How being busy and success are different
The Dangers of Becoming Addicted to Busyness
Elaine Fluker: On this episode of the Support is Sexy podcast, Suzy openly shares her journey of self-discovery, self-awareness and forgiveness, and how — as a Mentor — she helps other women realize the same. Plus, she shares our dangerous compulsion to please as women, how to put your striving in context, how to cure your addiction to busyness and what it really means to have a life of balance.
- The very real dangers of not slowing down.
- The truth about balance.
- How to build a powerful support network.