Hold On To Your Hats!

Hold On To Your Hats!

My site is undergoing a makeover and transforming before your eyes! Has being busy lost its charm? You are in the right place! Coming soon – a new course and coaching program that will guide you in the passage from over-doing, overwhelm and busyness to a...

The Sustain-Ability of Self

Last night at a business symposium, hosted by the Port Townsend Co-Lab I had the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects – the sustain-ability of self.  The theme for the evening was collaboration and innovation. I wrote my presentation to reflect the...
Supporting Sisterhood – Gather Round!

Supporting Sisterhood – Gather Round!

Alright gals, when was the last time you said “hey, will you spot me?” You know how the guys do it at the gym – they want to lift more and push further so they ask someone to spot them. This was the premise behind a suggestion to form spotters groups by Barbara...

What if This Is It?

Where I’m at emotionally and physically is it? My home, my livelihood, my family, my friends, my experiences. What if this is it? Nothing outrageously glorious awaits. My yearning to do something big never materializes. My years of thinking ahead, planning and...

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