“Often we have to eliminate our favorite part of the artwork [and life] we’re creating in order for the whole to become cohesive.”

I released what I thought was my favorite part of life – the ‘business’ of coaching!

Here’s a thought:

Just because you’re good at something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good fit for you.

I now know –managing, strategizing, leading, team building, business – I’m good at… and none of it is “me.” These are the things I did to prove I was enough, to fit into our “push” culture, to be accepted, to be seen and heard.

I see me. I accept me. I hear me. This is true freedom. No longer needing outside approval to bolster self-worth is deeply liberating!

A few thoughts to ponder:

  • No one is broken—our humanness struggles. Our essence (true self) is waiting for us to return home. ⁠• To feel whole, to heal our planet, and to love ‘Self’ unconditionally – turn down the outside noise (cultural and societal influences).⁠

    • True freedom isn’t escaping for yet another adventure (that’s fun – not freedom); it’s transcending emotional blocks and integrating disowned parts of ourselves.⁠

    • Power isn’t derived from speaking up, showing up, or “using your voice” – real power is grounded in the utmost self-respect, self-worth, and self-love (and then the rest happens).⁠

    • Integrating all aspects of ‘self’ – the opposites… pusher/relaxed, caretaker/cares for self, responsible/carefree, inner critic/inner ally – releases inner conflict and constriction, creating space for expansion and the light to shine through you.⁠


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