Last week flew by for me. Do you ever have weeks like this? All of sudden it’s Friday and then you remember – oh shoot, I didn’t get _____________ done!

My ________________ was writing this weeks blog.

  • suppose I could have written it over the weekend.
  • suppose I could have gotten up extra early or stayed up extra late.

But then I looked at a list I keep on my bulletin board of what’s most important to me and made the choice to trust that an idea would come to me and made an agreement with myself, to not give writing my blog another thought, because…

When I glanced at my list, “meaningful connection” was shining brightly. So, my husband  and I chose to have our six-year old friend overnight and spend most of Saturday taking her to our county fair (pigs, cats, horses, bunny’s – fun stuff!) and out to lunch. Very fun and then Sunday a family members beautiful wedding. Two days of soul-care – doing what makes our hearts happy!

Occasionally ‘I must write my blog’ slipped into my mental space, but I remembered my agreement and let that thought go – trusting that an idea would come.

Guess what? Monday morning I woke up and knew exactly what to share for this weeks blogsomething both different and valuable for finding clarity, gaining energy and determining what is most important to you.

Every Wednesday in my facebook group Virago Women, I share ideas for navigating some of the main issues that many women find challenging.

So in lieu of writing this week (although…did you catch how ‘going with the flow’ works? 😉, I’m sharing five FB LIVE topics that you can choose from – or watch them all [each video is 10-minutes or less].

Click on the title link to watch.

(My first live – start at the 1-minute mark to skip my blooper).

The Holy Grail of Self Care
A healthier way of embracing self-care

Stay in Your Own Lane 
This could also be called – How to Take your Energy Back

The ‘I Shoulds’…Should Not
Are you ruled by ‘shoulds’? I was – big time!

Course Correcting
This is a very important concept, especially for women. This video shares why.

I’d love to know which topic most resonated with you and why…

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