Here’s a story about how powerful we can be, when we align with the right energy.
A few years ago, I attended a weekend workshop led by Barbara Huson (Stanny). It was my first time in well over a year I had been around a group of people (post sabbatical) and a room full of sixty energetic women was overwhelming to say the least.
Barbara asked us to find a partner for an exercise. I froze. Old stuff coming up…fear of not being picked (remembering elementary gym games) – this feeling of being the lone woman standing in the room was strong and guess what happened—yes…sixty women and there I stood, hand in the air, needing a partner.
Thankfully I was at the workshop with wisdom savvy friends who reminded me that I had created that moment. Hmm. Really?!
At home a few days later I needed to call Macy’s customer service department (again) because they were wanting to charge a hefty return fee on a flawed mattress. I believe Macy’s is in the top ten of worst customer service ever, but this time I had my magic wand with me.
As I dialed the phone I said to myself, “If I can get sixty women to ignore me, I can get one to agree with me!” And guess what happened—yes…mattress return accepted without a return processing fee. In fact, the woman I spoke with was over-the-top friendly and helpful!
Thinking back to the words of my wisdom savvy friends – I created this – yes I did! ?
Fast forward a few years to fall 2018. My husband and I were enjoying a fabulous week glamping in Cannon Beach Oregon. Our reservations were through Friday, but as we were having such a wonderful time, we wanted to extend one extra day. All week we had been stopping by the reservation office to see if a spot had opened up, expecting to hear the same answer “sorry, but we are booked solid through November.”
The morning we were to depart, my husband and I took our dog for a walk and swung by the reservation office to check one last time before making the long haul home; but this time I did something different. Instead of expecting the same “sorry, we are full” answer, as we walked towards the office I reminded myself again that if I can get sixty women to ignore me, I can conjure a bit of reorganizing with their camp reservations. We walked in, she looks at us (knows who we are and what we want by now) and say’s “wow, we just had a cancellation. The spot is yours!”. Hah!
Tom and I walked away very happy glampers and I shared with him what “I” had done, his answer, “in my mind I already knew the space was ours.” Couple conjuring at it’s best! ?
The moral to this story; we are powerful when we align with the right energy and mindset so be mindful of which way you are waving your magic wand!
Magic wands for everyone…what are you conjuring today?