The word Mindset has become quite trendy and for good reason. How the mind is set, has a huge impact on how we live our life and how we view ourselves. Simply put mindsets are an established set of attitudes.

There are two types of mindsets: ‘stuck’ and ‘unstuck’ and you get to choose which system you want running your thoughts.

For years I operated from the ‘stuck’ mindset, even though I was an upbeat, positive person with a great attitude, inside, I was overwhelmed, didn’t like myself much and struggled with depression and anxiety. My mindset was ‘stay busy, stay in control, keep pushing forwards’. My inner world (which so impacts how we dance in our outer world) began to shift when I learned how to tap into the ‘unstuck’ mindset system.

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., author of Mindset, The New Psychology of Success, says, “Mindsets frame the running account that’s taking place in people’s heads. They guide the whole interpretation process. The fixed mindset [stuck] creates an internal monologue that is focused on judging: “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad husband.” “This means my partner is selfish”. People with a growth mindset [unstuck] are also constantly monitoring what’s going on, but their internal monologue is not about judging themselves and others. Certainly, they’re sensitive to positive and negative information, but they’re attuned to its implications for learning and constructive action: What can I learn from this, how can I improve”?

#1: Identify the thoughts you have on a loop (What can I learn from this, how can I improve?)
‘Thoughts on a loop’ often begin with: If only…, I can’t…, I’m too…, I’m not…,I feel…, I’m… and end with self-criticism (and not the constructive kind).
Example: I’m terrible at writing eye catching headlines (this is my ‘loop thought’ whenever I write a blog).
If you are not clear on which thoughts you have on a loop (most people aren’t), challenge yourself for the next week; to write down every thought, belief or habit that you ‘judge’ yourself for, that you put yourself down with, that makes you feel less-than. And then…

#2: Categorize and strategize.
What beliefs and thought patterns most consume my mind?
I find it helpful to ‘strategize’ the mindset(s) I most want to improve by thinking in categories:
Career |Fun & Recreation |Money & Finances |Physical Environment |Personal Growth |Health & Wellbeing |Friends, Family |Significant Other.
These categories come from an Assessment Wheel that I use in my courses, click here to view. In fact, this would be a great exercise to help you identify which ‘mindset’ to focus on.

#3: Write your new & improved ‘thought on a loop’.
Once you’ve identified the areas you would like to upgrade, the fun begins. You become the author of your own life by creating new language to override the old. This is where you take your old mindsets and write new and improved mindsets. Example: Words come to me easily.
If you get stuck, here are a couple of tools to use: Say, “If I had a magic wand how would I think, act, feel?” -or- “If I knew the answer/new language, what would it be?”
Write them down.

#4: Dial it in.
Nothing will change, unless you change. Without consistent reminders and daily practice, the old operating system will prevail.
For 30 days (a New Year challenge), read your ‘new language’ in the morning, at lunch time, in the evening. Our minds are tough cookies. Just like it takes consistency to increase muscle strength, it takes consistency to rewire our brains and successfully install your new attitude adjustments!

#5: Keep is Stupid Simple.
Last, but not least if shifting your mindset feels overwhelming, start where I did by adopting the language “how can I do this differently?” You can even make it your ‘theme’ for all of 2018. For everyone else, read through your ‘new and improved language’ list and circle the ones that feel most important right now. Use the assessment wheel as your guide and choose the categories that have the most room for improvement.

Thoughts, beliefs and habits, that are not for our highest good, are like a virus
that leaves us feeling ill and wanting to hide under the covers.

I promise, if you adopt a daily practice of being mindfully aware of self-depreciating mindsets and replace them with your supportive, uplifting mindsets that your outlook on life and how you feel about yourself will shift from stuck to unstuck to—wow 2018 was my best year yet!

What mindset do you have on a loop? Share your new & improved mindset in the comments below.

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Cheers! Suzy


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