Ignite the Wonder Within™
Week 3: Let Go – Surrendering.
“In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived, How well we have loved, How well we have learned to let go” ― Jack Kornfield
Sivan Garr says “All surrender means is to give up the fight. We put a great deal of time and energy into negative thoughts and judgements and inner wars and struggles”.
Surrender is the doorway to unlimited strength.
Surrender is the only way to be in a position of power.
Surrender is actively moving forward with no attachment to the results.
Surrender is the ability to change directions at a moments notice when necessary.
Surrender is stopping the fight. The external fight. The internal fight”.
For me this means being mindful of my emotions and internal self-talk. When I begin making mountains out of molehills, churning the same thought over and over, feel my insides clench down and my “angst meter” loses a spring, I break the cycle by letting go and saying “I surrender, I surrender, I surrender”. Deep breath, stop worrying, trust a solution is on its way. In Sivan’s list above, she suggests “surrendering is the ability to change directions at a moments notice”, I agree.
Surrendering is powerful! As a world class ‘thought churner’, discovering how to let go, changed my life and it will change yours as well.
Wonder Within Success Step: Be mindful of your internal signs. Your body knows when you are struggling. Break the cycle and change directions at a moments notice by saying “I surrender, I surrender, I surrender”. Breath, let go, relax and trust.
“We must be willing to relinquish the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us” ~Joseph Campbell
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Until next week!